

I have been thinking about the day I would break my blog silence. Thought about how cool it needed to be to make up for the YEAR AND A HALF that I have been MIA. But then I remembered that I am known and loved by people who don’t require me to apologize for being human and getting caught up in the busyness of life!

My heart has missed this outlet though. Life is big and confusing and sometimes I feel like the only way I truly comprehend it is to write it out and read back through it.

I wanna take a moment to document where I am today. I love looking through old blogs and remembering and cherishing where I was, and being mystified by where it has lead me to now.

I am in a season of change again, I just moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this month. There was something riveting about making the decision to do this. This was my first real out of my comfort zone decision that I made for myself, and somedays I still think I am crazy for having done it.

I am loving this season for every bitter and/or sweet piece. I miss my family. I miss my old job. I am happy to be close to my best friends. I am challenged by my new job. I am sometimes challenged by living in a city and relying only on public transportation. I love this city. I love the mix of old and new history here. I love how refreshing trees are when you come upon them, and how breathtaking the cityscape looks in the day and especially in the night. I love the mystery of walking amongst so many people who have no idea who you are.  I love the friendly strangers on the train that I sometimes chat the whole ride away with.

I feel like this city and this season of my life are dripping with opportunity. I am praying that I bravely dive into it all. That I am more inclined to say yes to opportunity. To explore openheartedly. That I would learn constantly and share willingly. That I would maintain a humble spirit and that I would thank God for it all. For safety and for believing in me even when I don’t. And to know fear no longer.

I also want to thank every person who has shaped me into who I am, who has believed in me, prayed for me, encouraged me, challenged me, inspired me, and who have called me their friend. It is because of people like you that I am brave. That I stay true to myself and am unafraid to try new things. My perspective is in the open and hungry for innovation state that it is because of world changers I have known and loved in my life. I wouldn’t be here whiteout you.

You all know who you are. I love you with all that I have.

And for anyone reading this, I pray that joy would fall upon you through out this beautiful Thursday and everyday. I pray that kindness would meet you at every corner and that patience would overflow out of you. I pray for guidance and peace over any uncertainty you are facing. And for an abundance of strength that you would carry with you wherever you go. You are loved more than you can imagine.

That is all for now my loves. I am alive LITERALLY, but also in so many other ways and senses. I’ll be back soon!
